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Boston Cane Presentation December 6. 2022 @ 5:00 PM

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Please join the Bradley Town Clerk and the Bradley Town Council on December 6, 2022, at 5:00 pm at the Bradley Municipal Building as they present the Boston Cane to Beatrice Wentworth.  Ms. Wentworth turned 92 years young in October and is recorded to be the oldest living resident.

In 1909, The Boston Post engaged in its most famous publicity stunt. The newspaper publisher, Edwin A. Grozier, had 700 ornate, ebony-shafted, gold-capped canes produced and then contacted the Selectmen in Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island towns with a population of over 500 citizens. The Boston Post Canes were given to the Selectmen with the request that the canes be presented in a ceremony to the town’s oldest living man. The custom was expanded to include women in 1930.