Road Maintenance and Concerns
The Town of Bradley does not have a “public works” department. Hired contractors complete all repairs, maintenance, and snow/ice control to municipality-owned roads and easements. While this is a huge cost-saving tool, it does require residents and taxpayers to be patient and understanding.
The Town of Bradley asks residents to contact the Town Manager by email at, or at 207-827-7725 if they have any concerns. The more preemptive the Town can be with repairs and maintenance the less likely an emergency will occur. If an emergency does occur during non-business hours, residents may contact Penobscot County Dispatch at 207-947-4585.
Town of Bradley Maintained Roads
The Maine Department (DOT) of Transportation maintains Main Street (Route 178).
ALL concerns should be directed to the DOT Bangor Office at 207-941-4500
Winter Plowing
To express concerns regarding winter plowing, please contact the Town Office at 827-7725.
If this concern is regarding Main St. (ME Route 178), this issue should be directed towards Maine DOT in Bangor at 945-4500.
If the issue is not during normal hours of operation, please contact Penobscot County Dispatch at 947-4585 or State Police Dispatch at 973-3700.
Ordinance to Restrict Winter Parking
No person shall allow or permit any vehicle under his/her control or registered in his/her name to stand or be parked upon a public way within the limits of the Town of Bradley in such a manner as to interfere with or hinder the plowing or removal of snow or winter conditions at any time.
The Road Commissioner and or Town Manager may cause any vehicle so parked as listed to be towed from the public way at the expense of the owner of such vehicle. Neither the Town of Bradley or appointed designee shall be liable for any damage which may be caused by such removal or caused by non-removal.
Winter Sand Supply
Each year the Bradley Town Council allows sand to be held available to residents. Since this is a limited amount, we ask that residents take no more than 1 five-gallon bucket per season.
The sand is located outside the salt and sand building. Bring your own shovel and bucket.